#ODA15 Jose Cubilla and Javier Corvalan among 15 best "en español" architecture

My very good friends and colleagues Jose Cubilla and Javier Corvalan were selected as two of the 15 finalist of ODA15 award. This year, 1000 other buildings were considered and nominated by public vote and only 15 were shortlisted.

A massive achievement for Paraguayan architecture and immense pride for my friends's deserved recognition. Congratulations!

#ODA15 #ParaguayanArchitecture #ArchDaily

#ODA15 #ParaguayanArchitecture #ArchDaily

Source: http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/cl/76...

#ODA15 Joseto Cubilla y Javier Corvalan votados entre las 15 mejores obras del 2014

Un orgullo de la arquitectura paraguaya, de entre 1000 obras construidas que participan en la premiación, 15 son seleccionadas finalistas de las cuales 2 son arquitectos paraguayos, José Cubilla y Javier Corvalan.

Enhorabuena a mis buenos amigos y colegas! 

#ODA15 #PlataformaDeArquitectura #ArquitecturaParaguaya

Source: http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/cl/76...